Monday, May 30, 2022

AVSEPod Episode 124: Seinfeld - "The Contest"

Our unofficial Problem Child trilogy concludes with a Very Special Episode of Seinfeld, in which the core four enter into a contest to see which one can remain "master of their domain" the longest! Join David, Carolyn, and Austin (masters of their domain, all) as they discuss the deft turns the episode makes to avoid saying "masturbation", the surprising hotness of JFK Jr., and the appeals of a sponge bath. 

So check out the window across the street, then download and listen here, rate & review us on iTunes or listen via PodbeanStitcherGoogle Play and Spotify! You can follow the show on Twitter, like our Facebook page, and email us via 

Be sure to listen to Carolyn's spinoff podcast, Pitch Please!, here, and buy the game here!